12 Dec 2009


The cool thing about using my old course papers as cigarette "filters" (merely to avoid burning my fingers) is that, every now and then, i find some of those drawings/notes/etc that i make during the class (yup). This one i found a while ago, tryed scanning it but never really did anything good. Now i decided to photograph it, and edit it like hell.

Anyway... for references, this reminds me of a friend... Pé na Cova is his name, or almost it.


Gustavo Nardini said...

Brings back some memories!
damn, we are getting old...
Jan 20 I'll be going to Germany for good, you better prepare to visit, magrelo!

Giuliano Behringer Ferrari said...

Yep. Really old! lol

yeah i know, told youy already: show up whenever you want. I finally got my docs so as soon as i have $$$ i'll visit you and Xaxa. Bring you some quality belgian beer.

Gustavo Nardini said...

perfect! We'll be expecting your visit! Take care lindão!