I hate 36mm lens.
31 Dec 2009
29 Dec 2009
28 Dec 2009
27 Dec 2009
25 Dec 2009
24 Dec 2009
This shot was supposed to be n# 80, and all shots since that should advance 1 position. But i screwed up and posted the wrong photo there. So i'm inverting places now. By the way, I don't care.
Fake cross process made in a minute.
19 Dec 2009
17 Dec 2009
Snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling snow falling and gluhwein, and gluhwein, and gluhwein, and gluhwein.
16 Dec 2009
15 Dec 2009
14 Dec 2009
12 Dec 2009
The cool thing about using my old course papers as cigarette "filters" (merely to avoid burning my fingers) is that, every now and then, i find some of those drawings/notes/etc that i make during the class (yup). This one i found a while ago, tryed scanning it but never really did anything good. Now i decided to photograph it, and edit it like hell.
Anyway... for references, this reminds me of a friend... Pé na Cova is his name, or almost it.
11 Dec 2009
9 Dec 2009
Scientists found a new form of total eclipse, and it seems to happen only in Belgium. It's called "cloudy eclipse", and consists in stationary clouds over the same spot for a few days or weeks, completelly eradicating any sunlight or any clear views of sky*.
* description for Belgians that may not yet have traveled abroad, never having a chance to know the subject "sky": a typicaly blue-ish, due to many optical factors, layer of the atmosphere that is believed to cover the total territory of the planet
8 Dec 2009
7 Dec 2009
3 Dec 2009
2 Dec 2009
A tiger, concidentially called Giu, concidentially coming from abroad, concidentially ended up living in the same places I do... guess what happened next? :)
Here is a blooper taht took place during hte photoshoot: poor bastard was so drunk he couldn't hold his head up for the 4 seconds exposure.
1 Dec 2009
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